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Linda Ziebell

In high school I wanted to be a pilot in the Airforce, so a good friend suggested doing an engineering degree first and then going to the Australian Defence Force. I started university at 17 and was away from home. It was difficult. I took some time off and travelled overseas before returning to university…

Kethmi Upeka

When I was younger, I wanted to be a doctor. But growing up in a Sri Lankan family, becoming an engineer was one of the top professions my mum encouraged me to consider. Looking back, I’m so glad I chose this path because it suits me perfectly, and the work-life balance at Department of Transport…

Kerli Metsoja

I vividly remember being in grade 4 and the teacher wheeling out the classroom TV and putting on An Inconvenient Truth starring Al Gore. That 118-minute documentary ignited a spark in me for helping the environment. Growing up I considered many careers – chef, paramedic, graphic designer – but none felt quite right. Clearly, I…

Jacinta Burns

Ever since I was young, I’ve been fascinated by how things work and where they fit in the world. This led me to study science at university, where I discovered Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which is like a superpower for understanding the world. Imagine being able to see hidden patterns and connections just by looking…

Melissa Butler

I am a corporate meeting planner turned software project manager who has had a wide variety of experiences throughout my career. I grew up in a rural area in Missouri located in the very centre of the United States. Upon graduating from the University of Central Missouri, I moved to Chicago where I spent the…

Nicole Berghuis

In Grade 11, we had a Scenes of Crime Officer attend our school for a presentation. I thought it was pretty cool, however, I found the Police uniform intimidating and was unsure of myself and how I would/could get from where and who I was to where and who I wanted to be. Between school,…

Saphy Hau

When I was 12, I watched the documentary Planet Earth. I remember the scene where I saw, for the first time, the impact of mining in scale, and the strong urge to do something and save the planet. Since then, I had always aspired to work as an environmentalist. Out of family expectation, I chose…

Monica Louda

I am a Senior Mechanical Engineer with Aurecon for almost 3 years. I did not think this was where I would end up when I left school and decided to study Mechatronics Engineering.  The passion for building and creating something to help others has been with me since I was young and has taken me…

Joanna Ly

During the final years of school I wanted to be a financial lawyer. But an honest conversation with my biology teacher about my strengths in math and science opened my eyes to engineering. I lo oked up engineering courses during the change in preference window and swapped to a double degree of Environmental Engineering and…

Navjot Kaur

As an average student in Year 10 I hated Maths, Economics, Physics etc (anything with numbers) but coped well with other Science subjects like Biology and Chemistry. My dad was an agricultural scientist and I visited his University. I liked the campus and decided to take the entrance exam for Agriculture Science. To my surprise,…

Jessica Eadie

My life didn’t follow the exact plan I had envisioned. I dreamt of being a princess, a marine biologist, an actor, even a 3D animator for Pixar. But unexpectedly, I found myself in the realm of fire, where incredible opportunities awaited me. Growing up in a small community in South Africa, I had a hunger…

Melissa MacFarlane

Throughout school I was always that ‘arts’ student, enjoying music studies and performing arts. I could be found in a musical theatre rehearsal or a music room, loving the challenge of different roles and learning different instruments. All through school, and right up until I joined the fire service in 2016, I worked for a…

Ginni Brown

I am the Grower Relationship Manager for Qube Agri, and work to build the services that our business can offer growers for delivery and sale of their grain. I have always been passionate about agriculture and the bush and have worked in commodity logistics since graduating from Sydney University. My work has taken me to…

Jessica Milschus

I grew up in Central Queensland and had no idea what I would do after school.  Never in a million years did I think I would end up working in a Government Information Technology (IT) department! Our department offers some really innovative services for government, in areas of connectivity, security and computer processing just to…

Elena Rusca

After I finished High School, I started TAFE looking to complete a certificate in Business. Unfortunately, I did not manage to finish this qualification due to my mum passing, and me needing to begin full-time work to help my dad out financially. I began working in an Administration role in Brisbane, also working part time…

Rail Operations Manager

I liaise daily between all different departments (customers, senior management, safety, compliance, planning etc) on the day-to-day Operations and on-going projects to do with the Train Services in North Queensland. You have to be a bit of a “jack” for this role (Jack of all trades).

Brooke Martinsen

After High School I started work with a Freight Delivery company in NSW in an Operations Administration role. I then moved to a Logistics Supervisor with a Medical Waste company, scheduling up to 26 drivers to collect controlled waste throughout the Greater Sydney area. After visiting Townsville on a holiday, I made the decision to…

Saba Munir Ahmed

I studied Electrical Engineering overseas and then I got married. Soon after graduation I came to Australia. My husband and I started our family and I decided to be a stay at home mum until kids were in school. Now I am a mother to 2 boys and now that they are in school I…

Civil Engineer

As a civil engineer within the Built Environment, we’re driven by a passion for urban development and regeneration. We recognise that engineering is at every touchpoint of our lives and so when we practise engineering excellence that has humanity at its heart, we’re creating a positive legacy that will make a difference in the lives…

Trang Pham

Even though most of my senior school subjects were in the STEM field, engineering wasn’t on my radar until I saw a documentary about the extension of a subway line in America. I honestly don’t remember the details of the documentary but what stuck with me was how engineering could change the lives of a…