Trang Pham

Ask me about
- Failing and having to repeat uni courses
- Studying a dual degree of engineering and marketing
- Finding my passion for urban redevelopment
About me
- International Experience
Even though most of my senior school subjects were in the STEM field, engineering wasn’t on my radar until I saw a documentary about the extension of a subway line in America. I honestly don’t remember the details of the documentary but what stuck with me was how engineering could change the lives of a community – opening possibilities just by moving people from point A to point B!
I would like to think that I did well at university, however I graduated several years after some of my peers due to needing to repeat some classes. Even though I pursued a dual degree of civil engineering and marketing, I graduated with no graduate role and spent six months in retail management before using the skills from my studies in the corporate world of IT and engineering.
Now, I’m a civil engineer who is helping our clients develop communities and public spaces across Australia.
About my role
As a civil engineer within the Built Environment, we’re driven by a passion for urban development and regeneration. We recognise that engineering is at every touchpoint of our lives and so when we practise engineering excellence that has humanity at its heart, we’re creating a positive legacy that will make a difference in the lives of current and future generations.
By exploring how different groups of people move and use spaces to define the needs and interests of the people using it, we are changing the environment so that different groups of people can co-exist. It’s about opening up the space so individuals in the community can feel valued and purposeful with a sense of belonging.
We create these spaces by working collaboratively with architects, urban designers, landscape architects and building engineers.
- High School Certificate
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)
- Bachelor of Business Management (Marketing)
- Chemistry
- Engineering/Engineering Skills
- Mathematical Methods (Maths B)
- Physics
- Specialist Mathematics (Maths C)
- Engineers Australia – Recognised as one of ten emerging women in engineering
- Consult Australia Awards for Excellence – 2019 Future Leader Nomination
- Cooking
- Rock climbing
- Travel
- 1 Chickens

15 year old me!!
My career journey
Failed one university subject three times
Graduated with no ‘Graduate’ Role
Worked in Retail and IT before working in Engineering
Shifted from Transport Infrastructure Market to Built Environment Market.
Moved Overseas
My typical day

My employer