Jenny Whitaker

Ask me about
- The varied roles that make up a project team
- If you need to like coding to work in IT
- If you need to have done IT at school to work/study IT
About me
- Regional Background
I had no clue what I wanted to do when I finished school. I dropped out of my first degree (business) after 1 semester and started full time work as an admin assistant while I figured out what I wanted to do. The State Government Computing Centre (now CITEC) was recruiting for computer operators and it paid $50/week more, so I applied and found my home. There is always something new to learn in IT, and room for growth at CITEC. I moved from computer operations (operating mainframe computers) to Network Control (checking things were plugged in and turned things off and on a lot), to Operations Support for Confirm, where my manager gave me the push I needed to enrol in the Bachelor of IT. I then moved into business analysis and project management before I graduated. Working in the field I was studying was a great motivator.
About my role
- Analytical
- Optimistic
- Personable
- Practical
- Reliable
The Project Managers brief is to deliver the new thing being built, whether it's a bridge or a website, on time, on budget and to the specifications agreed.
An IT Project Manager may be responsible for delivering a new app, online shopping website, or installation/deinstallation of IT Hardware. The role is essentially ensuring project team members (software architects, engineers, developers, business analysts, testers) know what they need to be doing each day, and helping solve any issues or 'blockers' preventing the project team from progressing their individual tasks.
At the same time, the Project Manager ensures everybody involved (project team) or interested (project stakeholders) is informed along the way regarding any issues, how progress is tracking against the schedule, any required changes to the scope of work or the budget. Ideally, they can celebrate a win with the team on successful completion/delivery.
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Certificate in Project Management
- Biology
- Drama
- English
- Languages
- Mathematical Methods (Maths B)
- Music
- Performing Arts
- CITEC Award for Excellence
- Bike riding
- Camping
- Hiking
- Reading
- Yoga

15 year old me!!
My career journey
Landed entry-level job at CITEC
Promoted to on-call Support tech
Commenced Bachelor IT at QUT
Completed Post-grad Project Management
Accepted to AIPM as 'Project Management Professional'
My typical day

My employer